Caller: We are the TI-gers (students echo)
Caller: The roaring, roaring TI-gers (students echo)
Caller: From C.C. WRI-ght (students echo)
Caller: EL-e-mentary School (students echo)
Caller: We are RE-spon-sible (students echo)
Caller: We take OWNER-ship (students echo)
Caller: With the right ATT-i-tude (students echo)
Caller: We show RE-spect (students echo)
Caller: Oh, we are the TI-gers (students echo)
Caller: The roaring, roaring TI-gers (students echo)
Caller: From C.C. WRI-ght (students echo)
Caller: EL-e-mentary School (students echo)
All: R-O, A-R! R-O, A-R! R-O, A-R! R-O, A-R!