C.C. Wright Elementary School

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Support our School

Support Our School

Thank you
1) BoxTops for Education
    • Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are each worth .10 cents and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. This school year, our school’s earnings goal is $1,000.
    • To help our school, just look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school. For more information on Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school’s progress, visit www.BTFE.com. Be sure to become a member to receive exclusive coupons and learn about extra ways for our school to earn!
2) Coca-Cola Give
    • Send in your Coke Codes or visit https://us.coca-cola.com/give/schools/ to support C.C. Wright Elementary School. Your donation to C.C Wright Elementary will result in a quarterly payment
      to be used to purchase supplies for your school’s interest such as physical education, sports, technology, and/or arts which will be designated by your school. 
3) Lowes Foods Back2School
    • As a homegrown company, Lowes Foods is committed to giving our youngsters
      every opportunity to succeed. We're proud of being local, and the innovative
      Lowes Foods Back2Schools programs allow us to partner with our neighboring
      schools to improve educational opportunities for everyone. Support C.C. Wright by
      registering your Lowes Foods Card at www.lowesfoods.com/bck-2-schools
4) Carolina West Communication 4 Education
    • We believe in supporting our local communities because we are part of it. Our Communication 4 Education program benefits local schools at no cost to our customers. Supporting other numerous charitable organizations and events through donations and sponsorships is our way of giving back to the communities that we also call home. Through this program, C.C. Wright Elementary receives 3% of a participating customer’s monthly bill. Customers can sign up in-store or online at www.carolinawest.com/c4e.
5) Can-Do Recyling
    • Started in the foothills of North Carolina, CAN-Do Recycling is a grass roots recycling program that promotes a natural community fundraising effort. Designed to be a school project that everyone can participate in, all you need is a CAN-DO attitude. Donate aluminum cans to C.C. Wright. They are counted and given to the classroom you request. The classroom with the most cans each quarter will earn an ice cream or pizza celebration.
6) DonorsChoose.org
    • Teachers all over the U.S. need your help to bring their classroom dreams to life. Choose a project that inspires you and give any amount. Log in to at http://www.donorschoose.org and support a C.C. Wright Classroom. Support a classroom. Build a Future.
7) C.C. Wright Classroom Donations
  • C.C. Wright is always in need of extra snacks for students, tissues, Clorox or Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, pencils #2, dry erase markers and bottled water.